50+ Self-Care Ideas For Reducing Stress.

Wednesday 6 September 2023

What is Self-Care?

Self-care means taking care of yourself to feel less stressed and happier every day. It's not selfish, it's important for your well-being and your relationships. Imagine when you're on an airplane, and they tell you to put on your oxygen mask before helping others. That's because you can't help anyone if you're not okay.

Think of yourself as a glass of water. To be your best self for others, you need to fill your glass first. You can't give from an empty cup.

Self-care is a unique process. What works for one person might not work for another, so it's essential to explore various strategies and activities to discover what best suits your needs. Self-care involves taking care of different aspects of your health: emotional, mental, social, physical, and spiritual. Neglecting any of these areas can harm your overall well-being.

Here are some self-care ideas categorized by these different health aspects, focus on ideas from that category for a while. If you want to improve your overall well-being, mix and match ideas from each category. Remember, it's important to maintain a balance in all these areas to lead a happy and healthy life and share positivity with those around you.

50+ self-care ideas for reducing stress

Emotional Self-Care

Taking care of your emotions can be a bit tricky. It means giving yourself permission to feel emotions that we often think of as "bad," like when you're really stressed, angry, upset, or frustrated. You don't have to push these feelings away. It's okay to let yourself experience them. However, it's also important not to let these emotions take over your whole life.

Emotional self-care involves allowing yourself to feel all sorts of emotions, but it's also about learning ways to manage them. When you take care of your emotions, you're basically recognizing that feelings can be complicated and intense. You don't ignore them; instead, you acknowledge them, give them names, and find ways to deal with them.

Here are some simple ideas to help you practice emotional self-care:

1. Express Your Feelings: It's okay to feel different emotions. If you're angry, don't take it out on others; instead, find a healthy way to express it, like writing in a journal.

2. Seek Positive Feedback: Ask three close friends whaat they like about you. It can make you feel good about yourself.

3. Learn to Breathe Calmly: Discover breathing exercises that can help you when you're stressed or anxious.

4. Do Something You Love: Everyday, do atleast one thing that brings you joy.

5. Practice Self-Love: Start your day by saying, "I love myself because I..." and complete the sentence.

6. Have a Good Cry: Sometimes, it's okay to cry to let out your emotions.

7. Collect Compliments: Keep a list of nice things people say about you, and read it when you're feeling down.

8. Coloring for Relaxation: Coloring as an adult can be a relaxing way to reduce anxiety and stress.

9. Positive Mirror Talk: Look in the mirror and pretend you're talking to your best friend. What encouraging words would you say to yourself?

10. Revisit Happy Memories: Read old emails, letters, or postcards from friends and family to bring back good memories.

There are some ways to take care of your emotions and make yourself feel better.

Mental Self-Care

Our brains are complicated muscles that need exercise and rest, just like our bodies. In our daily lives, we often have to deal with a lot of things like schoolwork, work, remembering important dates, and keeping track of our tasks. All of this can be tough on our brains, which are really important! Taking care of our mental well-being means giving our brains the right balance of relaxation and challenges to keep them healthy and sharp.

Here are some simple ideas to help you practice mental self-care:

1. It's okay to say "no" when you don't have time for something.
2. When you have a negative thought, try to think of a positive one instead.
3. Create a morning routine that energizes you.
4. Reward yourself for completing small tasks.
5. Catch up on your favorite blog posts.
6. Listen to a podcast about a topic you're curious about.
7. Do something unexpected and fun.
8. Take a longer break from email and social medis for an hour or even a whole day.
9. Visit the library or a bookstore to read or explore.
10. Make your home or bedroom comfy and lovely.

Physical Self-Care

Just like how our brains need exericse and relaxation, our bodies also require a balance of physical activity and rest. The connection between our physical health and mental well-being is very strong. When we take good care of our bodies, it makes us feel better on the inside, and when we feel good inside, it reflects on our physical health too! Taking care of our bodies involves daily movement, eating in a healthy way, and getting enough rest when our bodies need it.

Here are some simple ideas to help you practice physical self-care:

1. Take your dog for a walk.
2. Avoid fast food.
3. Go up and down the stairs a few times for a quick workout.
4. Explore nature.
5. Spend 10 minutes under the sun to feel better.
6. Drink a glass of water every hour.
7. Treat yourself a massage.
8. Do some stretching exercises to loosen up your body.
9. Go for a short walk around your street or a longer walk in your neighborhood.
10. Stand up and dance to a happy song you like.

Social Self-Care

Our connections with people are super important for how we feel. Some relationships can make us really happy and make our lives better. But there are also relationships that can make us feel bad and aren't good for us. Taking care of yourself in social situations means understanding yourself, knowing when you need some alone time, and when you should spend time with others to feel good. It's about keeping good relationships and being real when you connect with other people.

Here are some simple ideas to help you practice social self-care:

1. Spend time with a friend or family member when they go shopping or to events.
2. Ask your loved ones to remind you that things will get better when you're feeling down.
3. Give a friend or family member a call just to say hello.
4. Choose to be around people who are happy and positive.
5. Speak kindly and nicely to someone who works in customer service.
6. Don't be afraid to ask for a hug or cuddle from someone or something.
7. Go to a park or a busy street and watch people as they pass by.
8. Tell someone close to you what you like or appreciate about them.
9. Reconnect with someone you've lost touch with or had a disagreement with.
10. Join a group where people who are going through the same things as you can talk and share.

Spiritual Self-Care

Spiritual self-care means taking care of our inner selves by connecting them to the world around us and being open to broader perspectives. It's important to remember that self-care isn't the same for everyone, and this applies to spiritual self-care too. People have different beliefs and values they follow. Here are some basic ideas that can help improve your spiritual self-care, regardless of your personal beliefs.

Here are some simple ideas to help you practice spiritual self-care:

1. Take some time to sit quietly and think.
2. Do short one-minute exercises where you pay attention to your body.
3. Throughout the day, think about your thoughts and feelings.
4. Look for five beautiful things you didn't expect to see while going to school or work.
5. Pay attention to what you do in the morning and before bed.
6. Learn how to relax your body and mind.
7. Be kind to yourself and others, especially when things are hard.
8. Write your thoughts and feelings in a journal without worrying about making them perfect.
9. Try to understand why others feel and act the way they do, and imagine how you'd feel in their situation.
10. Do nice things for people without expecting anything in return.


In simple words, self-care means taking good care of yourself, just like how you take care of your toys or pets. It's important because it helps you feel better and happier. Imagine when you're on an airplane, and they tell you to put on your mask before helping others; it's like that – you need to be okay to help others.

Self-care is like filling your glass with water. You can't share water from an empty glass, right? So, you need to do things that make you feel good and healthy.

There are different ways to take care of yourself, like:

Emotional Self-Care: It means dealing with your feelings, both good and bad. It's okay to feel upset or angry sometimes. You can talk about your feelings or write them down.

Mental Self-Care: This is about keeping your brain healthy. You can relax and do things you enjoy, like reading or listening to interesting stuff.

Physical Self-Care: Taking care of your body by eating healthy, moving around, and resting when you need to.

Social Self-Care: Spending time with people who make you happy and being kind to others.

Spiritual Self-Care: Connecting with your inner self, thinking about your thoughts and feelings, and being kind to yourself and others.

Remember, self-care is different for everyone, so you can try different things to see what makes you feel best. It's like having a toolbox of things that make you happy and healthy. So, take care of yourself because you're important, and it helps you be your best self for others.

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