Should You Hairspray Before or After Curling? - GirlsHeartIt

It is recommended to apply hairspray after curling your hair but if you want your curls to last longer, you need to apply hairspray throughout the cu…

5 Hassle Free Beginner Workout Tips

Are you just starting your fitness journey? Congratulations! Taking the first step towards a healthier and fitter lifestyle is commendable. As a begi…

5 Tips to Embrace Healthy Living - Girlsheartit

IntroductionEveryone wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle and it is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle for overall well-being. Adopting a few s…

How to Heal from Your Break-up: The 5 Steps Process

Experiencing a breakup is a profoundly challenging and emotionally turbulent time in our lives. It can leave us feeling shattered, vulnerable, and un…